Over and over again, people tell me I shouldn’t expect too much. Whether it’s about relationships, what I want to do with my life or something as simple as getting a good grade on a test. And I think that’s really, really stupid. I’m an inherently optimistic person, and I can think of so many reasons why I shouldn’t lower my expectations. YOU’RE LETTING OTHER PEOPLE CONTROL YOUR LIFE When you listen to people who are trying to convince you to minimize your hopes, you are letting those people make decisions for you. One of the things I have always stood by is doing what you think is best for you. It may sound cheesy and cause some eye-rolling, but ultimately, I believe it’s what has made me as happy as I am. Pessimism is pointless to me, and unlike a lot of negative people, I refuse to let it run my life. If you want to achieve and experience all you can, don’t let negative people influence you. THERE’S POTENTIAL YOU COULD...