"NEW YEAR, NEW ME" is a phrase that you might think of when it comes to the verb "growing" in this period of the year. Or perhaps you are thinking about wanting to grow, all the time, which is probably even better. But what about that verb: growing? Growing is all about improving yourself. Improving yourself is constantly being focused on who you are, who you want to be and how you will walk that road. In order to grow and become more happy, monthly checkups are crucial. Hi Fam! It's me again. It's quite a long and a beautiful ride so I won't waste much time. Let's get right into what I have for you today! Monthly checkups are there to remind you what you are doing (and why) but also to show how you have come. It is crucial to stay motivated but to think about where you are right now and what you has gotten you here, as well. That last part can be summarized in one word: gratitude. ‘Gratituding’ every day is important, but looking at the...