Advices are one of my tools for motivation. Whenever someone spends his or her precious time to advice me, I do my best to listen because giving an advice isn't easy. All my life, I have received tons of advices that I can't remember and so the ones I'm sharing are the ones I remember and somehow held on to. Without further ado, here are my top 5 advices I have ever been given.

5. Opportunities abound everywhere, You only need to see them.
- Tough Call
Tough Call is a novel which was given to us in high School. My school has this extracurricular program called Functional literature. All students are given a novel to read and later get tested to prove whether the book was read or not. In summary and if my memory serves me right, the book was about how a young girl worked hard to be successful despite her enormous challenges. I got this advice from the book and I held on to it since then. For real, there are a lot of opportunities around us and until we open our eyes widely to see them, we won't. Starting from our homes, communities, city and the nation as a whole. Opportunities are all over around us, look closer and carefully. This advice has helped me a lot. I hope you see what I see in it too.

4. The Young boys just want to enter your Panties. Never allow them.
-PD Wilson
As funny and absurd as this advice may seem, it's one of the best advices I have been given. I was given this advice when i was probably 14 or 15 and it's been stuck with me Since. The advice was given to my girlfriends and I by our big brother and mentor. I can't tell if they remember that day but I do. I now understand what he was trying to tell us. Just as we have good guys with good intentions, we have the opposite. The ones who just want to mess lives up and go their way. We were young adolescents finding our way to the adult world and some of us didn't have our parents to tell us that. The hard truth. I really needed that advice and I got it. Growing up, I have seen it with my own eyes and has even been tempted too. That one advice kept me away!

3. I'm working hard to make it in life. I wouldn't be happy in future if you come and ask me to give you One cedi. I will give you the one cedi but you will gradually become a pain in the neck. So work hard and make sure you don't end up becoming a pain in someone's neck.
-PD Wilson
Oh yeahhh. This PD Wilson man again. He's my mentor, what do you expect. This advice really pushes me to work harder. As much as I don't want to be a pain in my friends neck, I also expect my friends not to also be a pain in mine. So my friends reading this particular post, please try hard not to be a pain in my neck in the near future. So please work hard, let go of unnecessary pleasure now and let's face life with full determination, hardwork and a lot of optimism. So that we can all make it and give to back to society, rather than asking for one one cedi and being a pain in each other's necks. You understand? You have to.

2. Everyone is a Genius. But if you Judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid.
- Albert Einstein
I have seen and read this advice but didn't see the essence until I got to technically apply it. I had the opportunity to teach a bunch of kids choreography in my church and that has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. As time went on, I got to observe that while some of the kids were good at dancing, some really sucked at it. I questioned myself; why would you want to Join the Choreography team when you don't know how to dance. I answered myself later. "They wanted to belong". They wanted be a part of something, they wanted to serve and if this what they wanted to do, I should give them the chance. Some of the kids laughed at the children who couldn't dance and I sometimes did too until I watched the famous movie; "Like stars on earth". That's when Einstein's advice came in, the fact that you are not good in one thing doesn't mean you wouldn't be good at the other. And I was proven right when I included some challenges such as spelling bee, bible quizzes and the others aside from our normal activity which is dancing. And Oh, the kids who sucked at dancing mostly won the quizzes. I made them understand that no one is dumb, we all have unique capabilities which can make us excel and we only need to know what those capabilities are. So hey there, You are good at something. Find it and explore it.

1. Give time, time.
- Anonymous
Time has proven to be the teller of all endings, healer of all wounds and many more. I can't remember where I read or got this advice from but it has proven to be helpful. You want to know if you will marry him/her, trust time. You want to know if you would get over that broken heart, trust time. You want to know if that deal will go through, trust time. You want to know if you will succeed with your travelling plans, trust time. Everything you want to know, trust time. I mean there are processes, yes but time will bring the end results. Whether it will be or not. (So hey crush, I don't know how things will end up. But I'm giving time, time. Yeahhh)

I have received a lot of advices from a lot of people and believe me, those advices has contributed to who I am today. To all the amazing people all over the world who once advised and probably still do, I want you all to know that you have a place in my heart and I love you so much. May God richly bless you.

If you just finished reading this post please I need one advice from You. Just type it in the comment section. I really need it. Ps: Please don't make your Username "unknown" , I need your real username. Enjoy your weekend. Xoxo!!!


  1. Be your best at all times. You never know what the future will bring, so always make the best use of the present.Keep it up Girl❤

  2. Opportunity don't come... You create them. I love that part.

  3. Never give up on your dreams. Cos I really trust that you can make it. So my dear ,believe in yourself

  4. You On Point , all advices taken

  5. Wow! "let go of unnecessary pleasure now and let's face life with full determination, hardwork and a lot of optimism." This right here! Thanks AngelπŸ™Œ❤

  6. A good leader is not the one with the most followers but rather the one who makes the most leaders and I believe that’s exactly the trajectory you trying to project by sharing your knowledge with others because success without a successor is failure.


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