Good day people!!! Welcome to my blog. I hope you're all doing well and you're doing everything you can to survive. Survival is key and so I encourage you to try as hard as possible to survive. My post today is about having confidence in our present state and forgetting our past mistakes and the monsters we used to be in the past so stay tuned. Just plug yourselves and let's feel the heat.

My past is not a place I want to dwell and I am saying this in a complete pool of honesty. I don't even want to visit there and to some of you reading this, I will be so ashamed to tell you my past. It is a fact. I've done a lot of things that I'm not proud of. Forget about the lessons those experiences thought me but they just weren't great. They were awful, shameful and disastrous. (Oh please I'm not exaggerating. I know some people who will think I'm exaggerating but I'm not.) I may recount some of my awful experiences to you and some of you may say that it is normal but to me, it not. It is so not. I've left them in the past because that is where they belong and I'm focused on me right now and that is what is important. I must admit that those past mistakes have damaged me for life but the beautiful part of the whole story is that I'm still me. I'm still the author of my wonderful novel so I get to write an amazing story for myself.

The truth is, we've all made mistakes in the past. Mistakes that if we were to be given the slightest chance to go back, we would not hesitate for a second. We've done things that we can't even share with anyone because we know we will be judged or seen differently. We are afraid to talk about it because it so shameful and less below us to even do it in the first place. If not all, most of us find ourselves in this state. You just can't shake it off and you don't want to think about it either. Your brain begins to visualise it and you quickly push it back because you're ashamed of it. But heyy, IT IS OKAY!

Most people experience this. It is okay to be ashamed of your past, who you used to be, what you used do but what is not okay is having it ruin your life. You shouldn't allow that feeling to ruin your day, your relationship with others, your relationship with God and even your life. Yes you did it and so what? A quick example. "You used to smoke but you have quit. You don't do that anymore. You have taken God seriously and enjoying life and now you're weed free". It is the NOW that matters. You are living a healthy lifestyle and that is what matters. You used to smoke and so? Who cares? No one. Absolutely no one. You used to, yes you used to. End of discussion. Don't sit down sulking every now and then being ashamed of your past. It won't help. It will indirectly discourage you from doing something right in your current situation. Yes it happened, we move.

Just try and confront your past, understand that this is what you did, these are the mistakes that messed you up, let it get to you, feel everything you want to feel and finally let it go. Accept that you messed up and move on. Tell yourself that you're ready to do better and not repeat any of those mistakes again. I'm not saying that this is the absolute remedy but it is therapeutic. Just try this and you'll be fine. You will once in a while close your eyes and make a croak sound when you think about your past but you will be fine. For real, you will be fine. YOU WILL BE FINE.

Thank you for staying with me on this one. I hope you got something for yourself. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. (It is super important to me) Have a wonderful weekend Fam. Xoxo



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