We were having a session at midweek service in my church and we had to ask eachother any questions we felt like asking. I still can't fathom how that question came into my head but I asked one my favourite friends at church Ben, a question I myself was marvelled at. I asked him about a character in the bible he identified himself with and why? (Come and see applause. I asked a sensible question lol)

I haven't asked myself this question before and so I therefore decided to write something about it. Welcome to my blog dear. Today's post will be a beautiful read so don't go anywhere. Enjoy the ride with me.

A character in the bible I identify myself with is RUTH. (Oh yes, who were you expecting me to mention? Abraham? Martha? Angel Gabriel? Lol I'm sorry)

The book of Ruth tells us about how Ruth and Orpah, two women of Moab, had married two sons of Elimelech and Naomi, Judeans who had settled in Moab to escape a famine in Judah. The husbands of all three women die; Naomi plans to return to her native Bethlehem and urges her daughters-in-law to return to their families. Orpah does so, but Ruth refuses to leave Naomi, declaring that she will go where ever she goes and live at wherever she lives and so on. Ruth accompanies Naomi to Bethlehem and later marries Boaz, a distant relative of her late father-in-law.

The first reason which made me choose ruth as a character I identify myself with was her loyalty. I fell in love with her for that when I was a kid and that made me learn the declaration she made to Naomi and it's always been with me. I can never forget that memory verse. I'm that loyal you know. If I'm for you, my allegiance to you will never be compromised. If I tell you I'm loyal to you, you wouldn't have to worry about me becoming a traitor or something of that sort because Loyalty is part of my core values in life.

Secondly, I chose Ruth because the woman portrayed the character of determination. She was determined to go with her mother in law and nothing that was said could make her rescind her decision. Naomi made complete sense in telling her to go back home and sounded convincing but she stood to her ground because she knew what she wanted. I may sometimes not stand to my ground but I mostly do.

Also, ruth expressed kindness in the best way I've ever seen and if you know me very well, you would agree with me that I'm a kind person. I mean if there was no Samadji in the world, I think the word "nice" would have been my surname. Forget about me not being friendly. Even if you're not my friend, I'm always nice to you. Ruth showed a lot of kindness to Boaz and married him in the end.

Again, Ruth portrayed a hardworking spirit in her story. She wasn't lazy at all. She worked hard on Boaz's field from dawn to dusk. Truth be told, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with her at all. She applied diligence in all she did and she reaped the benefits at the end. Now, if you have worked with me before, you will know I exhibit such a trait. I'm not trying to blow my own horn but baby I'm a hardworking girl. Unless I say I won't work and for that one, I won't work at all but if I say I will work, oh my oh my. You will be marvelled.

Lastly, I noticed that Ruth never asked any questions when Naomi told her to do something and I feel I'm mostly a victim when it comes to my mentors or people I look up to. To be honest, that may be a weak trait for me. I mean I should be able to question some commands which I feel it doesn't sit right with me. Or? Yeah. It's not anything that I will do just because it's coming from them. Yeah.

Mention one character in the bible you identify yourself with in the comment section. I want to know.

Have a fruitful weekend guys.


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